The greeting. Peace and mercy to all in Christ. (I Tim.1:2) May you grow in your […]
The greeting. Greetings Beloved in the name of Christ.  The Scripture. Today is our final study […]
The greeting. Grace, peace, and mercy to you in the name of our Lord and Savior […]
The greeting. Peace to you Beloved in the Name of Christ.  The Scripture. Today we are […]
The greeting. Grace and mercy and peace to you Beloved in the name of Christ. God […]
The greeting. Good afternoon Beloved. I trust that you are walking closely with our Lord Jesus […]
The greeting. Greetings to you Beloved in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. […]
The greeting to God’s people. Greetings in the name above every other name, the name of […]
The greeting to God’s people. Peace to you Beloved in the name of Christ our Lord […]